Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lady Eve

I enjoyed "Lady Eve" and the humor used. I was surprised to find that I liked the slapstick humor. I thought that it was tastefully done with Mr. Pike tripping over things and getting things spilt on him. I was also happy to find that he was not indecisive over his response to Lady Eve and Jean; that he was not torn up over believing his protector or his guests who were enchanted by Lady Eve. I thought that it was interesting that it was Jean who was unsure of her feelings, but she stayed true to her plan of hurting him and as Lady Eve, drove him back to loving Jean. It was so captivating that I almost forgot it was in black and white.
The parts that took me out of the movie were when Lady Eve did the same things Jean would have done. I found it difficult to believe that Mr. Pike didn't recognize it was Jean when she put her cheek against his. I was also surprised that he believed the story that Jean was Lady Eve's forgotten half sister; "the stage coach story". 

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